Vacation Spots

Why You Should Not Be Afraid To Travel To Europe

Why You Should Not Be Afraid To Travel To Europe A member of a group I was recently traveling with in Yellowstone National Park asked me if I was concerned about the safety of travel to Europe. His own concern had figured into his choice to travel in the U.S. that time instead of Europe.[…]


Athens, Greece

Athens is a very interesting city. Due to their recent economic turmoil I was a bit hesitant to go, but since things are only getting worse everywhere around there I might as well go while it is relatively safe. We took the plane from Naples to Athens. The Naples airport is surprisingly very nice and[…]


Il Duomo, Italy

       Il Duomo is a big dusty old church built around 700 years ago and is the pride and glory of the Tuscany region of Italy. The marble gargoyles and saints that line the church are immaculate and while I was sitting in a cafe right across the street I learned more about how[…]

Ponte Vecchio, Florence

Florence, Italy

    Florence is definitely my favorite Italian city so far on this trip. Everything is so close and it actually feels like I am in a cliche Italian city.  The Duomo is like a 10 minute walk from my room and on that walk you pass other ancient churches and shops, which are a bit too[…]


Trains From Milan to Torino

Trains in Italy are not my thing. I don’t like the whole system behind it and how limited and surpisingly expensive it is to travel that way. I could see it being convienent sometimes, but if I were to take up perminent residence here in Italy, I would probably just purchase a car and risk it on the[…]

A nighttime view of Europe made possible by the �day-night band� of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is seen in a global composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi NPP) satellite in 2012 and released by NASA October 2, 2014 .  The VIIRS detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses filtering techniques to observe dim signals such as city lights, wildfires, and gas flares.   REUTERS/NASA/Handout  (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENVIRONMENT ENERGY SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS

Torino, Italy

We were picked up by Christian’s French friend Elrick and he started to drive us to Milan. I wasn’t able to reserve a room for us because my internet was super slow and what rooms showed was ridiculously expensive. So after 20 minutes we had a decision to make, Milan or Torino. The decision fell on my[…]


Ticket Site Catastrophe: The Poorer Man’s Solution To Airline Tickets

  When searching for hours and studying up on tickets to Europe I found that the surefire airport to fly into for the cheapest is Milan, Italy. Conveniently this is exactly where I wanted to go. I found it odd that flying roughly 1700 km eastward is cheaper than landing into Spain or Portugal, but[…]